With a family life that included – and in fact, demanded respect and honor, Karolyn Marshall credits the interpersonal dynamics of her family as a major influence and a key inspiration for how a business should treat its customers. Karolyn’s knack for excellent customer service began by observing her father’s high expectations of how to treat one other within the family unit, but in particular, how to treat guests visiting their home. The ultimate goal: to make a guest feel welcomed, appreciated and looking forward to their next visit.

In addition to a home-life centered on serving others, Karolyn developed a keen eye for businesses that exercised great care, professionalism and attention to detail towards the typical consumer. Because of this cultivated gift of observation, she began to notice a marked decline in the quality of care within the Black community that businesses were affording its customers. This vast difference was apparent that the Black consumer no longer mattered and to find reasonable customer service you'd have to visit the most exclusive and expensive areas of town, where the majority of the Black population didn't reside. As a result, Black customers were left feeling disrepected and overlooked, yet spending  staggering amounts of money every year in the economy. Karolyn decided to pick up this mantle left by her father and set out on a quest to educate and train those within her own community of customer service excellence. Karolyn's Corner the is leading authority of customer service education and training within the Black community. Something needed to change.

Karolyn's Corner © 2021 All Rights Reserved.


In Your Corner for Great Customer Service

 Our Vision is to become the face of customer service quality within the Black community, by assisting businesses in maximizing their highest level of customer service care, through training and education. Karolyn's Corner will achieve the unthinkable and the unimaginable in customer service recognition and delivery within the next five years.


While researching her findings, Karolyn's earned her Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Maryland at College Park and worked as a financial counselor for a number of years. After serving in this capacity, she left the Washington, DC area and took her skills further South to San Antonio,Texas, where she entered into the ultimate area of service – school teaching for eight years. It was there in the classroom she learned the importance of focusing on the good as opposed to the bad behavior of students. In addition to teaching, she worked for various customer-related businesses, and was even awarded a contract to teach a customer service training course to Bexar County employees.

Upon returning to the DC area, Karolyn began work in various administrative support capacities in private-sector organizations. These organizations confirmed in her the ongoing education that customer service provides. Customer service begins in-house – just as it did in the Marshall house .Today, she has spent the past several years advancing her expertise in great customer service and offering training to businesses in dire need of her services.  Her mission is to revolutionize and change the customer service. experience, as we know it, by means of recognition, coaching and training.

Karolyn's Corner is the leading authority for customer service excellence in education and training. Karolyn is also the author of soon-to-be released e-books, entitled "Negro Please! Customer Service in the Black Community That's Gotta Stop: A Movement for Change" and "Customer Service S.W.A.G.G.: A How-to Guide of Serving Our Own."

In her spare time she enjoys reading, writing and doing voiceover work